Imprint and Contact

Anand Jeevan – Bildung für das Leben e.V.
(Education for Life registered association)


Nicola Durry (M.A.)
Katja Köhler
Angela Durry-Rüstmann (Dipl. Psych.)

Anbieter dieses Internet Angebots
im Sinne von § 6 TDG bzw. § 6 Abs.1 MDSTV
sowie verantwortlich i.S.v. § 6 Abs. 2 S. 1 MDSTV

Anand Jeevan – Bildung für das Leben e.V.
Warnstedtstr. 68b
22525 Hamburg

Tel. 0049 172 1558882
E-Mail : Tel.: 0049 172 1558882

St.Nr. 17/420/13916

Inhaltlich verantwortlich gemäß § 6 MDSTV
Nicola Durry und Angela Durry-Rüstmann
Anand Jeevan – Bildung für das Leben e.V.

Concept, Design an Programming:


Contact in India:

Tel.: 0091 8283829847
Lakhwinder Singh
Gurbinder Jit Kaur
Shubhkaran Singh (M.I.A.P.)
Gurpreet Kaur (M.Sc.)
Ranjodh Singh (Dipl. Mus.)
Jaswinder Singh

Photo Credit:

Nicola Durry
Jaswinder Singh
Claudia Selle
Children from the project area

Notes on Liability:

1) Providers are responsible for their own content that they make available for use in accordance with general laws. A distinction must be made between this own content and cross-references to the content provided by other providers. The contents of external websites referred to via hyperlinks are for information purposes only. Responsibility for this external content lies solely with the provider who provides it.

2) Before setting up the corresponding link, the providers of the other websites were checked with great care and to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, no guarantee can be given for the completeness and accuracy of information accessed via additional hyperlinks. The content of other websites can be changed at any time without the knowledge of Anand Jeevan – Education for Life e.V. If reference is made to pages whose content gives cause for complaint, please let us know.

3) Anand Jeevan – Bildung für das Leben e.V. points out its authority to make changes or additions to the information provided without prior notice and, if necessary, to remove information.