School Education

Schooling is compulsory for children in India; attendance at state primary schools is generally free of charge. Nevertheless, regular schooling is not yet a matter of course in rural areas of India. Children often work for their families – at home, in the fields or in the cities. Many families are also unable to afford the costs of school materials or a qualification. Even today, many people in the area covered by our project cannot read, write or do maths.

In line with our objectives, we co-operate with the local situation:

  • We strengthen and support the presence and provision of state schools in villages in order to ensure comprehensive education and basic knowledge transfer for all children
  • We organise teachers and finance their work.
  • We co-operate with a public school where the children can obtain a high school diploma.

The teaching team at Baba Budha Public High School consists of dedicated teachers who have studied at university, some of them abroad. The loving support of the children is at the centre of the overall concept. “We want to help the children to become good people,” says one of the teachers from the team. Fear-free learning is taught in an appreciative and attentive atmosphere. All children receive individualised support.

The teachers show a high level of commitment and also volunteer their time to support the children. In addition to the content of the curriculum, which is based on international standards, the teaching of environmentally and health-orientated topics is a priority. When working with English-language books, content is taught in both languages.

The teachers help to educate parents in order to encourage regular school attendance.